As one of the directors of this ministry I have decided to share my thoughts each day. I am sure you will be so astounded that you will be sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for the next blog.
I am not a blogger but I do have things that I want to share. Who do I want to share my thoughts with today? Obviously anyone who wants to read what I write. My main audience will be those who work with trauma survivors. We are investors, we invest in people. People who have been devastated over the years of abuse. Often they have no sense of belonging, they view themselves through the eyes of their perpetrators, they often have gone through years of unresolved trauma and they have many attachment issues. Healing involves an investment of helping those who want help. But with this investment comes a price. Time, energy, caring, providing a healing environment for growth and maturity, listening to horrific memories that can create PTSD in the helper (therapist, pastor, caregiver). All of this is part of the ministry.
CARE provides a community environment for healing that has many branches (if you want to know more read the website). Some days the price we pay for this investment feels almost too great to bear. Case in point…. you work with someone for many years listening to their stories when one day they pop up and say “I don’t believe my memories are real.” They come to us with their history and now tell us after many years that it was all fake. In my mind I begin to think of all the people we could have helped while this one person was busy telling “stories.” Yes, Yes, I know there are many reasons a survivor recants but I am sharing with you my thoughts. This takes an emotional toll on the helper and therapist and makes me want to throw up my hands and say – time for a new career choice even though I am 71 years old. I’ll become a professional blogger, facebooker or retire.
As I think these thoughts, God is ever present reminding me HE called me to this ministry knowing that there would be many times that my heart would break. HE began the ministry, HE chose those who came and HE called them to have a choice. My job?
ISA 44:8 “You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? Not there is no other Rock, I know not one”
Isn’t that just like God? He allows me to complain then gives me the truth – I am His witness and I serve Him. He does the hard work and I get to witness how great He is! Well, I feel better now. Thanks for reading and hanging out with me.
Good ! and so very very true!!
I smile as I read your ‘thoughts’. I am so glad for your realness. It does my heart good to read your blog. Blog on 🙂
thank you Cheri. was good!
I can feel your despair and then how we must all return to joy. Well said my dear friend.
I will say this very carefully…. if someone comes and lies about what they have experienced – that is on them. If they share and later recant, that is also on them. It is a decision they make to deceive. When I have a client who does this – I feel deceived and betrayed and deeply disappointed.. and fooled and as if I have wasted my time. I am angry. I grieve the ‘waste of time from my perspective’. God has the bigger picture. He will redeem or He won’t. If they walk away – – – it is between them and God and I can leave it with Him. And in the middle of all this -He will hold and comfort me in my grief and anger, and in my disgust and wailing and what ifs. He loves me and them and I don’t understand this. I am in this with you.
Good response Kathy I appreciate your perspective as we grieve together over this painful topic .