Survivor Needs

One thing that can be very helpful to a survivor is when they are in distress ask the question, “What can I do for you right now that would be helpful?”  It is very important to not assume what the survivor needs.  If a survivor says they don’t know...

Fear vs Faith

Often what drives community members and all other trauma based disorders is fear.  Fear is the #1 emotion that guides survivors through daily life.  Fear of being alone, fear of not being not being alone, fear of adventure, fear of men (women), and fear of living and...

Action vs Reaction

Each day brings a new adventure.  Some are quite enjoyable while others are not so much.  Understanding dissociation is difficult when you are in the midst of a crisis situation.  Often you want to react out of  the moment and that is  not a good plan. Let me give you...

The Old Shoe

Do you remember a childhood poem that starts “I know an old woman who lived in a shoe, she had so many children she didn’t know what to do”?  Well as I looked it up I found it does not say that anywhere in the poem but for the sake of this blog today...

Building a Community

Building a community without examples is very difficult.  As I said before you need more mature people to be examples.This has been the most difficult area of our building community. A more mature person can be an example the community can emulate.  An example would...

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