Prayer Intensives


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We offer prayer ministry to survivors of sexual abuse (including human trafficking), ritual abuse (SRA), mind control and other forms of severe trauma. These traumas include emotional abuse and neglect, physical abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, and spiritual abuse. The ministry tools include the Word of God, spiritual warfare praying, modeling of our Lord Jesus the Messiah to confront demonic strongholds, and THRIVE principles (a model of healing based on neuroscience and attachment theory).

How We Minister:

While our prayer ministers have clinical training in their backgrounds, we have found that God is the true healer; He knows each individual since conception and has the “best ideas” possible for addressing and healing trauma.  During prayer ministry sessions, we look to the LORD for discernment and how to intervene with each individual.

Statement of Beliefs

  • We believe people can heal, because God is able to heal even the deepest wounds and traumas, including mind control and cult programming.
  • We believe that healing is a process, not an event, and requires hard work and commitment by both the survivor and the prayer minister.
  • We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to administrate truth to the inner being of a person.
  • We believe that Jesus the Messiah has come to proclaim freedom to the captives, to free prisoners from darkness, and to heal the broken-hearted.

Although we recognize that clinical skills are helpful and often needed, we want to emphasize that we take a spiritual approach in dealing with trauma-based disorders. Because we believe that God is the healer, a distinction needs to be made between professional counseling and what we provide as a prayer ministry. This prayer ministry service does not replace the need for continued professional therapy.

Our goal is not only to offer an intensive time for the survivor, but to teach the survivor’s support team to be empowered to continue the work within to their own community. We offer follow-up support to the team (pastor, therapist, other mental health professionals, or caregiver) by phone or Skype appointments. We also provide online training videos and resources.

How to Prepare for an Intensive

We recommend that the survivor and team read The Life Model: Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You and Prayer Warriors for helpful prayers, before beginning prayer ministry. The support team who attends the prayer ministry sessions with the survivor must have an interest and willingness to learn how to continue the prayer ministry work when the intensive sessions end. It is recommended that a solid Christian foundation be observed in the survivor (accomplished through discipleship and a trusting relationship with a support person who exemplifies Christ) before scheduling an intensive.

Support: A Prerequisite

A survivor should have at least one stable, trusted support person who is willing to learn, be led by the  Spirit, and is willing to participate in the sessions if the intensive is on location.

The person who attends must be responsible for the safety and support of the survivor during the intensive sessions. This offers support for the survivor to manage reactions to the sessions and to provide safety at night for those reporting current accessing by perpetrators.

It is often helpful to have at least two support team members to share in the responsibility of supporting the survivor through the night and attending the intensive sessions during the day.

When this is established, the survivor and their support will need to pray for discernment on the timing of scheduling an intensive.

It is not necessary that the survivor come to the session with extensive knowledge of his/her internal system; however, it is critical that some parts of the system have a personal trusting relationship with Jesus Christ, as He is the true Healer.

Scheduling Options

  • Half days (3 hours each day) or
  • Full days (6 hours each day) can be reserved for a week or part of a week, depending on the individual need.
  • Note: There is a mandatory lunch break for one hour during the day. Breaks occur throughout the day as needed.

The survivor and their support team may determine how many hours and how many days to schedule, with the recommendations of the CARE ministry team.

To schedule an intensive:

Contact our office at 231-745-0500 to discuss available times and fees.

We will make every effort to work with you if this presents a financial hardship. We also reserve the right to cancel a session in the event of illness or emergency or if the prayer minister deems that the client is not prepared for the intensive and would not be helpful to continue at the planned time. You will receive a refund for any services we are unable to provide.

Cost of Prayer Ministry

Because we do not take insurance or Medicaid, we try to keep our expenses reasonable. Please call us at 231-745-0500 to get our current rates. We charge by the hour, which goes to the upkeep of our Skype and phone services, and to pay the salaries of the staff.


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