Hello everyone!  Do you ever feel overwhelmed in helping survivors?  Do you ever feel like giving up?  Do you ever feel like a punching bag?  Well I have great news – we are having a Retreat Weekend June 23-25.  We would love to have you come and meet us and hear how to deal with women who have gone through sexual trafficking and ritual abuse (and are currently trying to break away – physically and emotionally) and what you can do to help.  You may be a Pastor, a Therapist, a friend or just interested in helping someone you know. The topics that will be discussed are:

Day 1

A.  What Does True Identity Mean?

B.  Why caregivers and therapists need community?

C.  Why Am I A Caregiver/Therapist?

D.  Getting to know our own heart, true knowing

E.  How the caregiving relationship can help survivor heal from fundamental programming.

F.  How the caregiving relationship can help survivor heal from programming to block healing

Community testimonies and questions and answers

Day 2

A.  Safety for the survivor: Accessing duplicity, safety and accountability (internal and external)

B.  Planning A Support Group Together

C.  How the caregiving relationship brings healing to a programmed, traumatized individual with a focus on attachment-driven processes

D.  Healing, refreshment and appreciation for the caregiver/therapist/pastor and friend

E.  Appreciation and prayer for the survivor

Day 3

A.  Letting God lead the caregiving relationship, letting Him draw the boundaries

B.  How to work on maturity and why?

C.  Using eco-maps to plan for better self-care and support

D.  Caregiver/therapist produces an eco-map of survivor’s support system and plan for improving it

D.   Caregiver assesses maturity of survivor and creates a care plan by applying knowledge heart from previous sessions at the retreat.

Well, are you already feeling tired and overwhelmed?  We have planned activities for you to relax and enjoy the beauty of the River, birds and bears.  We have planned one evening to enjoy a BBQ and a night to attend a Banquet of Honor as well as spending time with our community members.  Come prepared to have a great time!!  Yes there will be an abundance of information but also time to get to know one another and spend time with our Creator!  I would love to spend time with you!!




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