

Our Mission: Ministry for Trauma Survivors and Those Who Help Them

CONSULTING: To provide Intensive Prayer Ministry in an office setting to survivors of trauma (including human trafficking and ritual abuse) as well as their supporters,  and to offer consultations via phone to lay persons, pastors, and professionals in order to develop and/or enhance their skills in working with severely wounded men, women and children.

ADVOCACY: To advocate by means of establishing networks of support in communities across the nation and the world to provide the resources for severely wounded men, women, and children according to Isaiah 58:6-7

  • loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke (share the gospel of Jesus Messiah)
  • set the oppressed free and break every yoke (provide spiritual warfare)
  • share your food with the hungry
  • provide the poor wanderer with shelter
  • when you see the naked, to clothe him

RESOURCES: To provide resources in meeting the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the wounded, facilitating their safety and healing. Resources include a church community, spiritual support networks, prayer ministry, consulting with various professional groups with sensitivity and understanding of the impact of severe trauma on local, national, and international levels.

EDUCATION: To educate communities, churches and interested organizations about the serious impact severe trauma has on men, women, and children, along with the needs and issues that arise out of this type of woundedness, through the offering of one week seminars and extended internship training for national and international students. To provide more materials through our CARE Resources ministry which sells a variety of books, audios, videos, DVDs and articles related to issues of severe trauma.

Our Leadership

Cheryl KnightCheryl Knight, Vice President of the Board and Staff Member

Cheryl has a Master’s degree in Messianic Studies and is Manna Congregational leader. Cheryl spends time with the community as a mentor, walking beside each in their healing process. She also presents at seminars and conferences. Cheryl wrote Surviving In Sanity, a book about the importance of spiritual warfare, and has co-authored two other books with Jo Getzinger on survivor topics. Cheryl began working in the field of trauma recovery work in 1990.

Jo GetzingerJo Getzinger, President of the Board and Staff Member

With over 25 years in the field of trauma recovery, Jo oversees and provides intensive counseling to the severely wounded. Although she has a Masters Degree in Social Work, she no longer practices as a licensed counselor because of the desire to involve prayer and deliverance ministry techniques in the counseling sessions, recognizing that God is the true healer. She develops and coordinates conferences that CARE, Inc. sponsors to educate communities about trauma and other severe abuse issues. She responds to questions from therapists, survivors, pastors, etc.  She develops and oversees prayer ministry provided by CARE staff.  She presents at seminars and conferences and has co-authored two books with Cheryl Knight on survivor topics.

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