
The following is written by a couple who attended the formal internship and then completed a week of the advanced training…

“We had reached a point in our work with our client that was beyond our skill and experience level. She needed more and we needed outside consultation to provide that more. We requested an Intensive for her in May, then we received a flyer about the Formal Advanced Training Internship, which allowed counselors to provide Intensive ministry with coaching from the CARE staff. That opportunity seemed just what we wanted/needed and we were so grateful that you all accepted us for training early in February when our client had a crisis situation.

The Intensive Internship far exceeded our expectations. It was a 10+ experience for all of us. Right from the early sessions on Monday and Tuesday, the therapist was helping us and our client follow the Holy Spirit to the hard places that had to be addressed for her healing. Our client reported that she always felt highly valued and safe even though the work she did was very hard. The therapist was gentle and persistent as our client was able to proceed and she quickly developed trust in her, knowing she would not be treated roughly. Our client trusted the therapist so quickly because she carefully balanced hard work with joy capacity and she continued to build joy capacity all week for all of us through her use of the nineteen Thrive skills. Daily we could see the evidence of the significant healing work that was occurring for our client.

The Intensive Internship was very instructive for us. The therapist explained complex concepts and demonstrated the interventions for each of the five levels of pain. She clearly demonstrated for us and our client the 19 Thrive skills in many ways as we worked together, ate together sometimes, and prayed together. She answered all our questions and provided much knowledge and wisdom that we did not even know to ask about. She kept us at a pace that was exactly right for us in each session and as she planned our learning for the week. She was expertly managing two clients at the same time in each session, our training and our client’s recovery work. She is a caring, calm, confident, quiet genius who is always led by the Holy Spirit, Yeshua and the Father.

The CARE community was competent and capable, understaffed, yet available to us for any priority issues. We felt warm acceptance from the Staff and Community during the entire week. They were up early to get the fires burning in warm inviting wood-burning heaters and treated us to snow angel demonstrations and gracious hospitality. All the community members were acting like themselves and living from the heart Jesus gave them daily before us. The cost of the Intensive Internship was well worth it, the funds at CARE are used wisely. At the Fireside Chat, we came to understand that all the Community members are called by God to be there for God’s purposes. That purpose is the first thing, then each person is daily working on recovery and wholeness, just like we all are doing.

We look forward to the privilege of going back to CARE very soon. We have much more to learn.”

– Together in God’s love, Charles and Barbara Turner

“I experienced and observed the C.A.R.E. community functioning like the body of Christ and working in unity… I believe that the atmosphere of heaven will be this openness to each other and unconditional love that Jesus has for us. Isn’t it a privilege to be this way with each other here on earth? God’s blessing and empowerment to all of you! I have used what I learned with every client I have worked with since my return from the internship, in terms of identifying which level of the brain is activating when they are talking. With many clients I have been able to use different interventions which are more appropriate to their emotional state and brain activation, with amazing results.” – Sally Grant, a prayer minister in Australia

“The counselor is a very talented and compassionate therapist. How wonderful her dedication is to developing this community. My prayer is for all of us to develop as high as possible a community like yours. The world needs more community values. By actually watching her, I was able to apply the principles and understand how important phasing questions and pausing are. Attending a lecture is very different than observing the sessions.” – Judy Flachs, Michigan

“I’ve learned many things I would like to use in my ministry to others. What the different levels of pain look like, strategies for matching energy levels, questions to ask to help others make choices (and when not to ask them), and excellent interventions for those in the various types of insecure attachments.” – Nancy Hoisington, Prayer Minister, The Healing Tree, Grand Rapids, MI

“Presentations were excellent. It helped to fill in the gaps in understanding of material covered in the three tracks of THRIVE. Discussions after sessions were lively with ample opportunity for questions. A high point was the evening at the River House involving personal encounter with those in residence.” – Charles Devonshire, Prayer Minister, Evanston, IL

“I felt so welcomed, like the community and staff were exceedingly pleased to see us and be with us. The opportunity for sharing and a Q&A was the best. I feel I got so much out of this conference as my questions were addressed so well. I am taking home some powerful tools. Thank you all!” – Mary Herrema, Prayer Minister, Rhema House, Grand Rapids, MI

“The internship helped me to break through a system of fear and anger, which made me stuck in counseling survivors. I was able to confirm in the internship our experiences at the THRIVE conference. My wife and I had time to work on practical new approaches to survivors and the community at home. We appreciate strongly having been with you.” – Joachim and Marlies, Prayer Ministers, Zebulon Center, Germany

“Your relationships have modeled the ‘unspoken gospel’ beautifully and I go blessed for having genuine ‘care’ demonstrated. This ‘mirror’ experience has helped me to know myself.” – Ann Gazel, Australia

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